Falling of the track

I bet it’s like this for everyone. Making life changes is difficult. It takes time. It takes consistency. It’s tough and if other things come up that are just as tough or even tougher we fall of the change train and fall back into our old life. So changing the diet is not easy. I know. 

But even now that I have mastered my balanced diet, I fall off the balanced diet train when I am on a vacation. It’s not always possible to find restaurants that serve balanced food and a lot of restaurants only have standard salads as vegetables. So eating balanced is not always easy. 

But you know what? Who cares! As long as you are making a small step towards a balance diet every day you are going to be fine. The wanted results are going to happen anyway. It just takes more time. Just don’t fall off the change train completely and stop your journey. 

And it so doesn’t matter if you can’t eat balanced on vacation or on a trip. As long as you can eat balanced again when you get back home you are going to be fine. You might gain 1 or 2 kg but they are going to disappear within the next weeks. 

The one thing that is necessary though is that you eat balanced on a regular basis. And after you mastered it you will start to crave for that diet. 

You might think, oh, when I’m on a trip I can eat whatever I want. After you mastered your balanced diet you can’t eat whatever you want anymore. You will eat whatever is available but a lot of times you can’t find the food you want. You will crave for vegetables and you will be happy when you get back home and you can eat your food again. That’s what I want for you. 


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